Sri Ramakrishna Sharadashrama, Ponnampet
Sri Ramakrishna Sharadashrama, Ponnampet
A branch centre of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math, Dist Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal 711202
  • Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Annual  Celebrations

Kalpataru Day Celebrations

Kalpataru Day is a cherished celebration observed by Sri Ramakrishna devotees and well-wishers every year on the 1st of January. Its significance can be traced back to the year 1886 when an extraordinary incident occurred. Sri Ramakrishna, the revered spiritual master, revealed himself as the Kalpataru, the wish-fulfilling tree. This revelation took place at the Cossipore house, where around 30 individuals had gathered in his presence.

With a smile, Sri Ramakrishna looked at the assembled devotees and uttered the words, "What more shall I say to you? May you all be spiritually awakened!" Upon hearing these words, a remarkable transformation occurred among the people present. They experienced an elevation of consciousness, perceiving their chosen deities manifesting within Sri Ramakrishna.

Swami Sharadananda beautifully describes the scene, stating that upon hearing the Master's blessings and assurances of protection from fear, the devotees erupted in cries of joy, proclaiming, "Glory to Ramakrishna!" Some offered salutations, others showered flowers, and some reverently touched his feet.

As the Master touched each devotee in a state of Samadhi (deep meditative absorption), a profound and immediate effect was experienced by all. Swami Sharadananda describes the range of responses: laughter, tears, meditation, and the calling out to others, urging them to receive the Master's grace and share in the overflowing bliss.

To honor and commemorate this extraordinary event, devotees reenact the essence of that day's happenings during the Kalpataru Day celebrations. While the original incident is beyond replication, devotees strive to recreate its spirit and significance, reminding themselves of the blessings bestowed by Sri Ramakrishna. Year after year, on January 1st, devotees come together to celebrate Kalpataru Day, expressing their devotion, gratitude, and aspiration for spiritual awakening.

Sri Ramakrishna Birthday Celebrations

Sri Ramakrishna's birthday is celebrated with great reverence and devotion every year on the auspicious day of "Phalguna Shukla Dwitiya," as per the Vishuddha Siddhanta almanac. The celebration is marked by various rituals and activities that pay homage to the divine incarnation.

The festivities include special pujas (worship ceremonies) conducted in honor of Sri Ramakrishna. Elaborate rituals are performed, accompanied by the chanting of sacred mantras and the offering of flowers, incense, and other symbolic items. The atmosphere is filled with devotion and spiritual fervor as devotees gather to express their reverence for Sri Ramakrishna.

Additionally, a homa (fire ritual) is conducted as part of the birthday celebration. The homa symbolizes the offering of prayers and sacrifices into the sacred fire, invoking divine blessings and purification. It is considered a powerful means of connecting with the divine presence of Sri Ramakrishna.

During the celebration, religious discourses are delivered by learned scholars and spiritual leaders, enlightening the devotees with the teachings and insights inspired by Sri Ramakrishna's life and philosophy. These discourses serve as a source of spiritual inspiration and guidance, deepening the understanding of Sri Ramakrishna's profound wisdom.

Bhajans (devotional songs) and group singing form an integral part of the celebration. Devotees gather to sing hymns and bhajans dedicated to Sri Ramakrishna, expressing their devotion and love through melodious melodies. The collective singing creates an atmosphere of joy and upliftment, fostering a sense of unity and spiritual harmony among the participants.

The culmination of the birthday celebration is marked by the distribution of sumptuous prasad (sanctified food) to all the devotees present. Prasad is considered a blessed offering from the divine, and partaking in it is believed to bestow spiritual blessings and divine grace.

Overall, Sri Ramakrishna's birthday celebrations are a time of spiritual reflection, devotion, and communal harmony. They provide an opportunity for devotees to immerse themselves in the divine presence of Sri Ramakrishna, seek his blessings, and deepen their spiritual connection with his teachings. 

Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi Birthday Celebrations

Every year, the birthday of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, the divine consort of Sri Ramakrishna, is celebrated with utmost reverence and devotion. The celebration takes place on the auspicious day of "Agrahayana Krishna Saptami," as per the Vishuddha Siddhanta almanac.

The festivities begin with special pujas (worship ceremonies) conducted in honor of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi. Devotees gather to offer their prayers and pay homage to her divine presence. The pujas involve the chanting of sacred mantras, the offering of flowers, incense, and other auspicious items, as a mark of devotion and reverence.

Homa, a sacred fire ritual, is also an integral part of the birthday celebration. The homa serves as a means of offering prayers and sacrifices into the sacred fire, invoking divine blessings and purification. Through the homa, devotees seek the grace and blessings of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, symbolizing their spiritual connection with her elevated consciousness.

Religious discourses are delivered by spiritual leaders and scholars, sharing insights and teachings inspired by the life and teachings of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi. These discourses provide spiritual guidance and inspiration, deepening the understanding of her immense wisdom and compassion.

Bhajans (devotional songs) and group singing form an integral part of the celebration. Devotees come together to sing hymns and bhajans dedicated to Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, expressing their love, devotion, and gratitude towards her. The collective singing creates a joyful and uplifting atmosphere, fostering a sense of unity and devotion among the participants.

The celebration concludes with the distribution of sumptuous prasad (sanctified food) to all the devotees present. Prasad is considered a blessed offering from the divine, and partaking in it is believed to bestow spiritual blessings and divine grace.

In summary, the birthday celebrations of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi are a time for devotees to honor and express their love for her divine presence. The special pujas, homa, discourses, bhajans, and the distribution of prasad serve as means to connect with her spiritual grace and seek her blessings. These celebrations are an opportunity for devotees to deepen their devotion and emulate the sublime qualities of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi in their own lives.

Swami Vivekananda Birthday Celebrations

Swami Vivekananda's birthday is commemorated with great enthusiasm and reverence every year, following the Vishuddha Siddhanta almanac on the auspicious day of "Agrahayana Krishna Saptami."

The celebration begins with a special puja, a sacred worship ceremony dedicated to Swami Vivekananda. Devotees gather to offer their heartfelt prayers and express their deep reverence for the teachings and ideals of Swami Vivekananda. The puja involves the chanting of sacred mantras, the offering of flowers, incense, and other auspicious items as a token of devotion and respect.

Homa, a ritualistic fire ceremony, is an integral part of the birthday celebration. It is performed to invoke divine blessings and purify the atmosphere. Through the homa, devotees seek the guidance and inspiration of Swami Vivekananda's elevated spiritual consciousness, symbolizing their aspiration to embody his teachings in their lives.

Religious discourses are conducted, featuring spiritual leaders and scholars who share profound insights and teachings inspired by the life and philosophy of Swami Vivekananda. These discourses provide guidance and inspiration to the devotees, illuminating the timeless wisdom and practical relevance of Swami Vivekananda's teachings in the present-day context.

Bhajans (devotional songs) and group singing play a significant role in the celebration. Devotees come together to sing melodious bhajans dedicated to Swami Vivekananda, expressing their love, gratitude, and devotion. The uplifting and devotional atmosphere created by the collective singing fills the hearts of the participants with joy and spiritual fervor.

The celebration concludes with the distribution of sumptuous prasad (sanctified food) to all the devotees present. Prasad is considered a divine offering imbued with blessings and is eagerly received by devotees as a token of grace and spiritual nourishment.

In summary, Swami Vivekananda's birthday celebrations are a time for devotees to pay homage to his profound teachings, dynamic personality, and spiritual legacy. Through special pujas, homa, discourses, bhajans, and the distribution of prasad, devotees seek to imbibe his ideals and philosophy into their lives. These celebrations serve as a reminder of Swami Vivekananda's timeless wisdom and continue to inspire individuals on their spiritual journey towards self-realization and service to humanity.

Sri Ramakrishna Disciples Birthday Celebrations

Every year, the birthday celebrations of the 16 disciples of Sri Ramakrishna are observed with reverence and devotion, following the Vishuddha Siddhanta almanac.

The celebration begins with puja, a sacred ritual performed to honor and invoke the blessings of each disciple. The puja involves offering prayers, chanting of sacred mantras, and performing rituals specific to each disciple. Through this puja, devotees express their deep respect and gratitude for the invaluable spiritual guidance and teachings received from the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna.

Religious discourses are an integral part of the celebrations. Eminent speakers and scholars share their insights and reflections on the life, teachings, and contributions of each disciple. These discourses provide devotees with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the disciples' spiritual journeys and the profound impact they had in spreading Sri Ramakrishna's message of love, harmony, and spiritual realization.

Bhajans and group singing are conducted, filling the atmosphere with devotional fervor. Devotees join together in singing bhajans and hymns dedicated to the disciples, expressing their reverence and devotion. The soul-stirring music and heartfelt singing create an atmosphere of joy, unity, and spiritual upliftment.

At the end of the program, prasad, the sanctified offering, is distributed to all the devotees. Prasad is considered to be imbued with divine blessings and is received with reverence and gratitude. It serves as a reminder of the disciples' spiritual presence and the grace they bestow upon the devotees.

Overall, the birthday celebrations of the 16 disciples of Sri Ramakrishna are a time for devotees to honor their spiritual legacy and teachings. Through puja, discourses, bhajans, and the distribution of prasad, devotees seek inspiration, guidance, and spiritual nourishment from the disciples' profound spiritual journeys and their unwavering commitment to truth and selfless service. These celebrations foster a sense of spiritual connection and devotion among the devotees, strengthening their commitment to living a life inspired by the ideals of Sri Ramakrishna and his disciples.

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

The Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of Sri Ramakrishna Sevashrama and the Inauguration of Vivekananda Arogya Dhama were held from May 23 to May 25, 2018.

The Ramakrishna Sharadashrama, a branch center of Ramakrishna Math, Belumath, was established in 1927. Since 1942, this branch center, through its activity unit called 'Sevashrama,' has been dedicated to providing medical services to the needy, especially those below the poverty line, in Kodagu. This selfless service has been continuing uninterrupted for 75 years, thanks to the grace of the Holy Trio.

The celebrations were graced by the presence of Srimat Swami Suhitanandaji Maharaj, Vice President of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belurmath, and Srimat Swami Bodhasaranandaji Maharaj, Assistant General Secretary of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belurmath. They not only attended the celebrations but also inaugurated the newly constructed building, 'Vivekananda Arogya Dhama,' which houses the Naturopathy and Yoga wing of the hospital. We are deeply grateful to them for their divine presence and blessings.

During the three-day event, approximately 40 monks were hosted and they joyfully participated in the festivities. The atmosphere was filled with joy, spiritual fervor, and a sense of gratitude as the community came together to commemorate the remarkable journey of Sri Ramakrishna Sevashrama and to embrace the new chapter with the inauguration of Vivekananda Arogya Dhama. It was a time of celebration, reflection, and renewed commitment to serving humanity in the spirit of selfless love and compassion exemplified by Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda.